SAP Problem
A month of rumble in ME51N, still not going anywhere, Purchase Requisition... there must be something that i must have not done. Which part, where and how am i going to get myself out of this terrible problem. Nevertheless, lets not focus on this part yet. When i found the solution to this part i send my solution to this blog.
.NET Case
Now, i am going to talk about how to make your own chat engine. I know we have lotus(R) Chat, MSN(R) Messenger and Yahoo! Messneger. But why do we still need another chat messenger. Well, this is just going to be an experimental and an educational learning experience for anyone. if you had a better solution than my one... i will not mind you sharing with me and pin pointing some of my mistakes. After all, we all learn everyday and learn from mistakes. Okay, lets start.
To build a simple chat engine:
1. Required knowledge:
- Basic knowledge of HTTP Protocol
- Basic knowledge of TCP/IP
- Some database knowledge (optional for those with multisessions)
- Intermediate programming knowledge (C# or vb .NET)
2. My demo will be on vb .NET
- in HTTP Protocol, programmer can set their own parameters for sending out messages and incoming messages.
- When we talk of HTTP Protocol, we are talking about communication standards. In HTTP Protocol, we are allow to set our own HTTP Protocol. An example would be,
HTTP 1.0 IncomingXChat\GET
- The above is a set of communication standard sent over your chat engine. This also will be receive by your recipient. Therefore you will need to program your chat engine so it will be able to filter the parameters to get the content so messages can be display on your chat messenger.
- Once you have completed your HTTP Protocol, its time to settle your TCP/IP programming part. You can write out your own TCP/IP engine but for me, i have my own template up when i was working earlier. You can get a class file on TCP/IP in
I may not be able to tell you specifically and deeply the overall progress. But the concept above will be sufficient for any beginners to build a simple chat engine. I done this in 6 hours or more for .NET demonstration. Not bad even though it could be turn into multple chat session... by dumping in a database system... it will nicely...
everything can improve... just time!
sky is not the limit